Sizzling Summer Marketing Tips

Summer is a great time to catch up on your marketing, get ahead in your planning or book last minute advertising. Speak to our media team to find out about the digital offerings coming up this summer or discover our special features and editorial themes for Autumn and Christmas 2024 to help with your planning.

#1 Summer Stand Out

Stand out from the crowd with advertising that captures attention. Keep it sweet and simple and make your offer fun and engaging. A jaw-dropping image, attention grabbing title and an offering that oozes with benefits for the reader. Here are four of our favourite adverts in Time & Leisure recently.

advertising strategy planning

#2 Last Minute Getaway

Wherever our readers are choosing to holiday, 22,000 subscribers will be reading their newsletter edition on their phone or tablet. Ideal for businesses who have a summer promotion, event, or just want to stay front of mind. Book by Tuesday each week to be in the weekly edition sent out every Thursday. With an open rate of 43% you are guaranteed to connect with our subscribed affluent readership. Find out more on our website here

marketing strategy

 #3 Sun Lounger Planning

If you are a business owner or leader and struggle to take time out for holidays then at least take advantage of other people’s holiday time.

Use quieter summer months to plan for your marketing schedule. And while your competitors are sunning themselves you can get a head start on opportunities by booking now. We have just finalised plans for Christmas and are looking ahead to 2025.

Speak to our media team to find out which features you can utlitise to boost your business in Autumn/Winter and tick it off the to-do list for 2024.

Call 020 8545 6777


#4 Brand Awareness or Call to action?

You’ve done all the hard work setting goals, planning, designing, booking but did you include a clear call to action in your advert? Building brand awareness will help your business stand out and over 3 years you will take a larger market share than your competitors. But if you want to drive response now then add a clear call to action – a discount, a website, an in store bonus or a activity deadline should help do the trick.

Email for design advice

summer marketing tips

#5 Amplify with Digital

Utilise our digital media platforms to engage with your audience. With people being more active on social media during the summer months, it’s a great opportunity to showcase your product or service by amplifying your marketing with our social media channels, newsletter and website.

Create engaging content, run promotions and contests and consider collaborating with local events to increase brand visibility. By working with our  media team effectively, you can reach a larger audience and boost your business during the summer season.

There are a host of digital marketing options to choose from in our digital media pack.

Request your copy of our digital media pack here 

Lucy Kane
Lucy Kane, co-founder Time & Leisure Media

To arrange a one-to-one session to discuss which options are best for your business please call 020 8545 6777

Mike Reed, Commercial Director:

Melanie Burgess, Sales Manager:
